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Disclaimer: I am not a qualified health practitioner.  You should always consult a qualified health practitioner if you are sick. Opinions expressed on this website are my own or come from my own experience or research.

Having read the page 'Why You Should Have the Guts to Heal Your Guts' , you will have an understanding of why gut health is so important for your overall physical and mental health.  So what can you do to heal your gut?

If you can afford it, consult a good Naturopath or Functional Medicine Practitioner.  However, the information below has been shown to provide both relief and healing.

Deeper Healing

Aloe Vera will contribute to your gut healing but if you have serious gut issues, your gut lining will almost certainly be damaged, and you may need more than Aloe Vera. If you can heal your gut, balance your intestinal flora and clear parasites, most gut issues will improve dramatically/heal.  You should then be able to eat a healthy and varied diet which will mean that you start to absorb more nutrients. As a result, your general health will improve giving you more energy, resistance to infection, lowered inflammation etc. If you suffer with diverticulitis, then healing the gut will allow you to eat more fibre which will improve your diverticulitis.


There are many things that you can take for gut healing but the two products below, Qenda and UltrainflamX, contain the most ingredients I have seen that are known for not only healing and sealing your gut but also to do much more in the body such as detoxification, calming inflammation, dealing with fungal overgrowth, dealing with parasites etc.   James Cook Coulson cured his Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns disease in 3 months taking Qenda.  It's an amazing story.


The supplements below are also easy to take from the point of view that you drink it and you’re done – no handfuls of pills you have to remember take before a meal, after a meal, with meal, in between meals, last thing at night, several times a day etc.  Both Qenda and UltrainflamX were recommended to me by a qualified naturopath who is also a clinical pharmacist. Nevertheless, if you are taking medication, it would be sensible to consult a qualified health practitioner to check for any possible interactions, issues. 

Qenda and UltrainflmX are both quite expensive and so I have included a 3rd product, Amy Myers Leaky Gut Revive.  This does not contain as many ingredients as the other two products but the the ingredients it does contain are well known for gut healing and were the supplements I took separately when I was healing my own gut.   If only I knew then what I know now.......  Still, I got there!

If you are able to heal your gut using one of the products above, you will most likely find that you can eat a wide range of food that previously, you could not tolerate.                                                                                                               


A Word About L-Glutamine


Both UltrainflamX and Leaky Gut Revive contain L-Glutamine. Not everyone can or should take L-Glutamine. You should not take L-glutamine if you have cancer.  One of my daughters can’t take it because it makes her nauseous. If you cannot tolerate l-glutamine, you can take Qenda or try taking collagen or bone broth for gut healing (see below) and then take other gut healing supplements separately.



A good probiotic is important as a healthy balance of good bacteria is essential for gut health and hence the health of your whole body. If formulated properly, the major benefits of a high-quality probiotic are to...

 - Aid you in digesting food, particularly hard-to-digest foods and foods that some individuals are more sensitive to

 - Enhance the synthesis of B vitamins and improve calcium absorption

 - Help you keep a healthy balance of intestinal microflora

 -  (In women) Promote vaginal health

 -  Support your immune system


If you have poor gut health, it is a good idea to take daily probiotics until you have healed your gut and then, perhaps, take them intermittently or make sure that fermented food is part of your regular diet (recipes in the recipe section). Having healed my gut,  I now tend to take them twice a year for 3 or 4 weeks.  I haven’t had anti-biotics for years but if you have to take a course, be sure to take a good probiotic or eat/drink fermented food for 3-6 weeks afterwards.


 Here are a few suggestions at different price points that have been recommended by qualified natural health practitioners:-

Bone Broth

Cheap and easy to make, bone broth is a soothing and healing food.  It is typically rich in protein and contains compounds such as collagen, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, glycine, gelatin and chondroitin along with minerals which leach from the bones during the long cooking time (assisted by apple cider vinegar).  There are recipes for bone broth in the recipes section of this website.

Your gut will tell you very loudly and clearly what you can and cannot eat. However, below are some general guidelines to follow. You can look on the internet for more information. There are many diets that can ease gut distress eg Fodmap, SCD (specific carbohydrate diet), Paleo, GAPs but if you heal your gut, you may not need them!



Food and Drink to Avoid With a Damaged Gut



Sugar, sugary foods/drinks or anything that contains sugar

Diet drinks

Carbonated drinks

Spicy food

Insoluble Fibre (which actually makes it worse at this point) eg whole wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, cauliflower, beans, green beans, potatoes. You can google a list.

Acid fruits ie berries, pineapple etc





Food and Drink that is Beneficial to Consume


Whilst dairy is likely to cause problems, you may be able to tolerate yoghurt and if so, please eat kefir yoghurt. Preferably organic.  Kefir contains so many beneficial strains of bacteria for the gut.


Foods that contain soluble fibre eg porridge, broccoli, avocado, sweet potatoes. Kidney beans, pears etc.  Just google soluble fibre and you can find extensive lists. 


Fermented food like sauerkraut and when your gut is healed - Kimchi

Fermented drinks like Kombucha, kefir etc


Fermented food is teeming with good bacteria for your gut and if you can make your own, even better, as home-made will have many more strains of beneficial bacteria.  There are recipes in the recipe section of this website.


Laboratory Tests

It is quite likely that if you consult a natural health practitioner, they will want to run some tests. 


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